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Get Rid Of Panda Eyes With These Essential Oils For Bruises

Laura, a beautiful and talented amateur actress, striving to be a big star, had an intense fight with her boyfriend, which unfortunately gave her a hideous panda eye on the left side. And it was just over one week until her important casting call. What could Laura do to make the unsightly bruises disappear? The answers lie within these essential oils for bruises.

The nature of bruises

The bluish-purple discoloration of the skin, which we commonly call a bruise, is called a hematoma in medical literature. A hematoma is the accumulation of blood in the interstitial tissues outside of blood vessels.

The reasons for the leakage of intravascular blood are varied. Depending on the causes and the diameter of lesions, the bruises are diverse in severity and their implying medical conditions. Bruises are also accompanied with a dull pain.

What cause bruises?

Bruises are the results from blunt trauma, in which internal tissues are damaged while the skin remains intact. For example, injury from fall, great impact with a solid object, etc.  The worst situation could happen the bleeding of internal organs when immediate medical attention is needed.
Prolonged bruises could also imply that you are having an underlying condition such as hemophilia, vitamin K deficiency or a side effect from using blood thinner. You ought to contact your doctor if regularly inflicted with bruises for no reasons.

With minor bruises, the skin may appear red and tender at first. After that, it becomes bluish because the pooling blood is clotted and finally turns to greenish-yellow before the healing process is completed.

How can we speed up the healing of bruises?

Normally, a minor bruise will resolve itself in 9-14 days. However, the duration for your skin to return to normal will shorten significantly with the help of these essential oils for bruises.

The Top 10 Essential Oils For Bruises

1)       Tumeric

Curcumin, the substance that is abundant in turmeric, has a strong potency in enhancing wound healing, eliminating the bruises and ugly scars. Tumeric essential oil has been a traditional medical therapy among Eastern countries since thousands of years ago.

2)       Helichrysum

Helichrysum is a powerful natural remedy for many skin problems, such as sunburns, unwanted scars from abrasions. The essence of Helichrysum increases the blood circulation and the affected areas will fade more quickly.

3)       Lavender

Lavender is the must-have essential oil if you are familiar with the aromatherapy.  Lavender oil has a variety of benefits and is widely applied for medicinal purposes, especially for alleviating the pain. The elegant scent of lavender also helps to relieve the stress. Besides, due to its soothing and calming effect, it does not trigger allergy reactions or irritations, even for children.

These are the reasons why lavender definitely should be one of the perfect essential oils for bruises. It is beneficial if you apply lavender oil to newly-formed bruises, it will reduce the swelling and improve the blood circulation. The bruises, in turn, will become less severe.

4)       Cypress

Cypress essential oil is not as prominent as lavender, but it also has a lot of therapeutic uses, significantly as one of the essential oils for bruises. Cypress oil has a significant effect in the healing of minor wounds and pregnancy stretch marks because it facilitates the circulation of blood, which prevents it from pooling. Therefore, cypress oil not only helps to diminish the bruises color on the skin but also is used to treat medical conditions related to blood congestion, for example, varicose veins.

5)       Camphor

In traditional medicine, camphor is used as anti-inflammatory, anti-inflammatory, wound healing. Due to its excellent permeability through the skin, camphor oil is used for topical massage, which reduces inflammation, relieves pain in trauma, sprain, dislocated joint, painful swelling and bruising. For the adult skin, you can mix camphor with a carrier oil or warm water to massage the wound daily 1-3 times.

6)       Aloe vera

Although not being an essential oil, aloe vera is one of the most effective remedies for treating bruises and blemishes. Besides, the refreshing characteristic from aloe vera will help you cope with the pain and reduce the inflammation. It is best that you use the clean, fresh leaves to massage the sore area; else aloe vera gel is also an alternative.

7)       Frankincense

Frankincense is one of the essential oils for bruises that go along well with children. If any child in your family unluckily has two left feet and always get their bodies covered with bruises, you should consider having frankincense oil in the house.

8)       Geranium

The essence of geranium improves the restoration of damaged tissue. Therefore, geranium oil can be used to diminish the hideous bruises. Besides, it is an effective anti-aging agent for the skin and geranium oil also prevents infection from the open wound.

9)       Roman chamomile

The healing effect of Chamomile was discovered by humans thousands of years ago in ancient Rome and has also been documented in the literature of the scholar Hippocrates: preventing infection, speeding up rejuvenation, and primarily to reduce dark spots and scars from an injury.

10)     Lemongrass

If the fate is too kind to accidentally give you a nasty blow to your skin when the financial condition is one of your big concerns, lemongrass is one of the suitable essential oils for bruises right now. Lemongrass oil is extremely useful in reducing pain from achy muscle and assisting the healing process. Besides, it is reasonably cheap.

However, lemongrass may cause a searing sensation due to its hot characteristic. Remember to dilute lemongrass with a carrier oil before applying to the skin.

In conclusion, there are many essential oils for bruises for you to choose. However, natural remedies will only achieve best results if you have properly taken care of bruises since its beginning. Initial first aid in the right way definitely improves your bruises condition later.

When you accidentally get a new bruise, there is no better spell than RICE. RICE certainly is not the cereal grain we consume. It stands for:

•         R: Rest your bruised or injured body part
•         I: Ice pack apply to reduce swelling and pain for first aid, then alternate with moist heat after 48-72 hr
•         C: Compression of your bruised arm or leg with an elastic bandage, this action will reduce the swelling. Remember to loosen the bandage if it is too tight for you.
•         E: Elevation of the bruised area will prevent the swelling of blood

1, https://carekees.com/essential-oils-for-bruises/

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