How long does nicotine stay in your system?
Smoking or second-hand
smoking both have side effects to the body as well. It will leave by nicotine
which is an addictive component causing poisoning, cancer, related to
congenital disabilities during pregnancy also. Then, how long does nicotine
stay in your system and lead to diseases? Let’s follow this article to know
more about that.
Where can we find nicotine in the body?
As a people who chew, smoke
or inhale tobacco, nicotine can be found in the body because of absorption into
the bloodstream. Much Nicotine will be broken down to cotinine by hepatic
enzymes. Then these substances will go out the body when urinating [1].
How long does nicotine stay
in your system? Nicotine after breaking down can exist in your body for a long
time, it is not weeks but months and can last for three months in your urine,
your bloodstream, your saliva or even hair [1].
Is there any test to show exactly how
much nicotine you ingested?
There are some tests to
check for cotinine- a nicotine’s product. Cotinine is a stable type and will be
kept in the system longer than nicotine. Usually, blood or urine tests are more
common [2].
If you choose to do a blood
test, the medical staff will take some milliliter blood from your vein by a sterile
needle. If it is a urine test, you can collect urinary sample whenever you can
to do a random urine test [2].
However, there is a
brilliant way to justify whether addicted people smoke or use any tobacco
products or loyal to use nicotine replacement therapies. If you are suspected
of using tobacco again, you should do some more tests not only cotinine but
also nicotine and anabasine [2].
Anabasine is only found on
tobacco products, so if you are not quitting using them, anabasine still shows
up on your test.
What is the amount of nicotine in the
blood different between people?
Depending on the type of
cigarettes or tobacco which you smoke, however, it will contain around 12mg of
nicotine for each one. You know what? Your body will not ingest all that much,
just only one over 12 mg being go to the bloodstream [1].
Not only smokers who can
include nicotine in the blood but also the secondhand smoke can have that too.
We calculate the level of nicotine in your blood by nanograms per milliliter
With who usually smokes have
more than 10 ng/mL or even more approximately 500 ng/mL, while the secondhand
smokers just have fewer than 1 ng/mL [1]. That is a big difference.
How long does nicotine stay
in your body? In your blood? Nicotine will stay in for 1 to 3 days while
cotinine can be in your blood up to 10 days [2]. A blood test can show much
about cotinine. This test will tell whether nicotine appears and how much are
they in blood?
However, the blood test will
tell you something wrong sometime. The presence of thiocyanate- a compound can
influence your analysis because you can find it in some products such as
broccoli, cabbage or some medicine [1].
How long does nicotine present in your
It bases on how frequency
you smoke or inhale cigarettes. Cotinine will stay in your urine for about four
days if you are not contacting nicotine daily. However, for those who smoke or
inhale nicotine usually, cotinine can be found in your urine for many weeks
after exposure [1].
We have a urine test to
check how many of cotinine is detected in your urine. So, the result will
depend on your last time you absorb nicotine. We can find cotinine in your
urine even though you stopped using tobacco some days ago. Nevertheless, for
those who moke or exposure to menthol cigarettes, cotinine will be last for
longer [2].
The result will be very high
around 1000 ng/mL if you are just exposure to nicotine. If the last time using
was more than two weeks ago, the test would show about 30 ng/mL or more. You
should have a conversation with your expert about this test [1].
How long does nicotine or cotinine
present in your saliva or your hair?
We can find cotinine or
nicotine in your saliva up to 4 days while seeing nicotine up to 3 months in
hair from the last consuming. However, for a particular hair test, nicotine can
be found for last a year. A hair test is more expensive than the other analyses
then it is less not prevalent [1].
We all go through to find
how long does nicotine stay up in your system like your bloodstream, your urine,
your saliva or even your hair as well. Besides, having many fields related to
this topic, you need to know. Keep reading this article to figure out more.
Are there anything else affecting your
test result?
As we mentioned in the upper
part of this article, the frequency you smoke or exposure to tobacco which can
influence to how long does nicotine stay in your system. However, you maybe
don’t know that there is something related to lifestyle or heredity can give a
hand on that such as [1]:
· Age: it will go away slower and more
prolonged when your age is higher
·Genes: many researchers believe that if you
are Asian-Americans, and African-Americans then nicotine will stay in your body
longer than Caucasian and Hispanic guys.
· Hormones: people think that sex hormones can
influence in a way. Men will ingest nicotine slower than women especially
compared to those women who are pregnant or giving estrogen.
· Liver enzymes: in many cases, how long
nicotine is metabolized depend on how useful your live function is.
· Medicine: some reliable medications can
impact the speed of removing nicotine from your body. Phenobarbital or
antibiotic such as Rifampin can promote the ingested process. Other medications
such as medications to treat hypertension such as amlodipine or antifungal
medication such as ketoconazole can reduce this process.
What should we do to take away from
Giving up cigarettes or all
tobacco products is the best solution for that. Besides, you can apply others
ways to stay away from nicotine quicker including [1]
Drinking water: nicotine will be eliminated
quickly through urine, so drink more can encourage nicotine goes out.
Exercise: doing exercise can help you stay
strong to have more energy for metabolism then nicotine can be metabolized more
than usual.
Consuming antioxidant food: food contains
antioxidants such as orange or carrots can be helpful for remove toxic
What are side effects of nicotine on
your body?
Nicotine is an addictive
substance that harm to the body causing some symptoms of withdrawing syndrome
contain [1]:
Craving for using tobacco again
A headache
Sleeping disorder
That is plenty of harmful
effects of using tobacco to the body. Keeping nicotine when doesn’t care about
how long does nicotine stay in your system will discomfort you much. This side
effects will spread in not only your daily life but also your relatives or
beloved one who take care of you. Therefore, trying to stay away from nicotine
as soon as possible if you want to have good life quality. Hope this article
helps you a bit.
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